
» » Trainer for Chessmaster 8000 [v1.0.9]

Trainer for Chessmaster 8000 [v1.0.9]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Chessmaster 8000. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others. This page features trainers from the author as FLiNG, We will be adding more files for this game from other authors shortly.

Game description:
Chessmaster 8000 is a universal chess program designed for both beginners and more advanced players. The game is based on a new engin which significantly increases the level of artificial intelligence of the computer. For the first time, the chess program uses Natural Language Advice, which provides simple hints in easily understandable English. As usual in the Chessmaster series, the chessboard differs visually from the usual two-colour board, although the option for traditionalists allows such a choice. However, most of the games can be played on a variety of chessboards, both two- and three-dimensional. We also have the ability to choose the environment in which we will break our heads when competing with a computer or other chess player in multiplayer mode. Implemented tutorial introducing beginners to the basics of the game. Expanded part of the game designed for children. Hint system designed for less experienced players. A rich library of played games and several thousand openings with their basic analysis. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

Download Chessmaster 8000 trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Chessmaster 8000 [v1.0.9]:

Trainer for Chessmaster 8000 [v1.0.9]

Function list:
- F1 Change Service of Selected Employee
- F2 Current HP
- F3 Unlimited Energy
- F4 Fast Produce Units
- F5 Fill Frenzy
- F6 Rapid Fire Cannons
- F7 Edit: Coins
- F8 Toggle Built-In Cheats

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Date Added:3-02-2023, 04:31
Downloads:Downloaded 8079 times
Verified: users rating (4.49 stars)

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