
» » Trainer for Woodcutter Simulator [v1.0.9]

Trainer for Woodcutter Simulator [v1.0.9]

Introducing the trainers for the game Woodcutter Simulator! The cheat includes 12 useful functions, using which you will get additional features in the game

Game description:
Woodcutter Simulator is a simulator of a modern lumberjack. What's interesting, the game is not limited only to uncomplicated felling of trees, because it is also important to meet the various requirements of customers. The general scheme of the game is very similar to other simulation and strategy titles published by the German company Layernet. The career mode consists of eleven missions with increasing difficulty levels. Each of them contains several or more than a dozen tasks, which must be fulfilled within the time limit set by the game. The game starts with small orders, such as removing single trees from parks or gardens. Over time, however, more and more difficult tasks appear, such as harvesting large quantities of wood or mass felling with a view to the planned construction at this site. Such challenges already require the involvement of a considerable workforce and the use of more specialised equipment. The actual gameplay is divided into several stages. The first of these is, of course, the felling of selected trees. However, this does not have to be done only with the use of woodcutters equipped with classic axes, because machines equipped with special saws can be delegated for this task. The cut trees must sometimes be delivered to the sawmill using suitable tractors, craned to a special belt, and the cut pieces must be transported by lorry to their destinations. The game allows you to take control of each of your machines at any time of the game, which are controlled by the keyboard and mouse. The described production is characterized by a quite advanced graphic engine, allowing for free movement through the areas of performing subsequent missions. Tasks are counted at different times of the day and night, and the issue may be additionally hindered by dynamically changing weather conditions (e.g. rain and snow). Woodcutter Simulator takes advantage of PhysX technology, which cares about the realistic physics of the game world. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

Download Woodcutter Simulator trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Woodcutter Simulator [v1.0.9]:

Trainer for Woodcutter Simulator [v1.0.9]

Function list:
- F1 Unlimited Special Attack Power
- F2 Magic
- F3 Change Sapphire
- F4 Set Mana
- F5 Unlock All Customizations
- F6 Set Clan Rank Points
- F7 Set Survival XP
- F8 Goblins Are Happy
- F9 Change Perk Points of Selected Perk
- F10 Easy Craft/Cook/Produce
- F11 Edit Amount of Selected Inventory Item
- F12 Unlimited Nitro

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:22-06-2023, 16:57
Downloads:Downloaded 8247 times
Verified: users rating (4.16 stars)

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