
» » Truck Racing by Renault Trucks: Trainer +5 [v1.8]

Truck Racing by Renault Trucks: Trainer +5 [v1.8]

Introducing the trainers for the game Truck Racing by Renault Trucks! The cheat includes 5 useful functions, using which you will get additional features in the game

Game description:
Truck Racing by Renault Trucks are free races in which, as the name suggests, there are powerful Renault trucks. The production is a kind of advertisement for this car corporation, which additionally sponsors the team of "heavy weight" drivers. The game was developed by the French Game Seed studio. The title allows us to race with the title tractors. Our machine is Renault Premium DXi13, which hides up to 1100 horsepower under the bonnet. All in all, the creators prepared several different routes. In the races we compete with fifteen other machines led by artificial intelligence. The authors of the title bet mainly on a realistic devotion to the races of these colossal machines. In addition to the demanding driving model, the game features a faithfully reproduced view from the cockpit, so players can at least for a moment feel like real truck drivers. The visual design of the production looks very pleasant the creators have faithfully portrayed the appearance of Renault trucks and created interesting routes. It is worth reminding that the game is completely free it can be downloaded from the official website of the manufacturer without any charges (the whole takes about 400 MB). Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

Download Truck Racing by Renault Trucks trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Truck Racing by Renault Trucks: Trainer +5 [v1.8]:

Truck Racing by Renault Trucks: Trainer +5 [v1.8]

Function list:
- F1 Unlimited Vehicle Health
- F2 Perfect Mafia Rank +6 Player Editor
- F3 Infinite Happiness
- F4 Cosmite
- F5 Teleport to Saved Position

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Date Added:23-07-2023, 18:34
Downloads:Downloaded 8737 times
Verified: users rating (4.52 stars)

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