
» » The Room: Old Sins: Trainer +15 [v1.4]

The Room: Old Sins: Trainer +15 [v1.4]

On this page you can download the trainer for The Room: Old Sins. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others. This trainer from dR.oLLe will work in later versions.

Game description:
The Room: Old Sins is the fourth installment in the adventure game series called The Room. In terms of both story and setting, the game should be rather considered a spin-off. The game described herein has been developed by the Finnish Fireproof Games known for creating the previous installments in The Room series as well as Omega Agent for Virtual Reality headgear. PlotThe Room: Old Sins does not pick up the story where the previous installments left it. The developers decided to write an entirely new chapter, which is still based on the same foundations as the previous ones. Players once again are faced with a new mystery; however, this time around it involves the disappearance of an engineer and his wife as well as their alleged discovery of an ancient artifact. Players have to locate consecutive clues and decipher encrypted messages. The action of the game is set in the engineer's house. MechanicsIn terms of its gameplay mechanics, The Room: Old Sins does not reinvent the wheel ? the player still gets visit closed locations, where he or she can manipulate diverse object looking for clues and items necessary for pushing the story forward. The riddles often come down to operating small and surprising mechanisms. Using them properly leads the player to the final solution. When looking for clues, players can use the necessary viewfinder. Nonetheless, the developers have diversified the gameplay by adding new mechanics and special items that might help you in your investigation. Technical aspectsIn terms of the technical aspects, The Room: Old Sins for AND and iOS does not differ much from The Room Three. This, however, does not change the fact that players get at their disposal an extremely interesting and well-developed game, in which minimalistic 3D visuals are well compensated by complex riddles. Moreover, developers have improved the textures, as well as lighting effects. Another strong asset of the game lies in the realistic controls, which perfectly simulates tinkering with different objects with traps, switches, and secret compartments.

Download The Room: Old Sins trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

The Room: Old Sins: Trainer +15 [v1.4]:

The Room: Old Sins: Trainer +15 [v1.4]

Function list:
- F1 Infinite Health
- F2 Infinite Stamina
- F3 Fast Skill Cooldowns
- F4 Change Chests
- F5 Edit: STR
- F7 Fast Action Cooldown Reset
- F8 Dilithium Crystals
- F9 Edit: Next XP
- F10 Add Candles
- F11 Super Protein
- F12 Super AP
- NUM 1 No Overheat
- NUM 2 Cops Can Do Special Skills
- NUM 3 Change Nova

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:6-08-2023, 20:51
Downloads:Downloaded 9997 times
Verified: users rating (4.64 stars)

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