
» » Trainer for Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates [v1.0.4]

Trainer for Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates [v1.0.4]

If you came to this page, you are most likely looking for working cheats for Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates. Here you can download the trainer for game version 1.0 and higher, which will be an excellent replacement for the codes. You can get some others Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye cheating functions. This file is from the author with the nickname dR.oLLe.

Game description:
Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates for PC is the second expansion pack for an acclaimed strategy game developed by Creative Assembly. The expansion focuses on the second Punic war, which took place in the third century BC, between Rome and Carthage. This was also a conflict between two outstanding commanders Scipio Africanus and Hannibal, a sworn enemy of Rome. MechanicsThe expansion introduces another campaign to the game. This time, it is set in the western part of the mediterranean region. Although the new map covers a smaller area than that from the main campaign, it is more detailed and consists of 19 provinces in total. Hannibal at the Gates is set in the years 218-202 BC; each year lasts 12 turns. As a result, similar to the Caesar in Gaul expansion, seasonal division returns here along with the weather's influence on the course of the playthrough. As usual, the player begins by choosing their faction. In Hannibal at the Gates, the player can choose one of the following: Rome, Carthage, a rich Hellenic city-state of Syracuse, as well as Iberian tribes: the Arevaci and the Lusitani. Syracuse is an enemy of these tribes, and leading one of the last three factions is definitely more difficult ? in this case, the player has to be a flexible diplomat. All the factions were given several new combat units available also in the main campaign, as well as their own technology trees. Apart from that, both Rome and Carthage have an additional branch of development focusing on diplomacy. Apart from the campaign for one or two players, Hannibal at the Gates for PC offers two historical encounters that constitute the turning points of the second Punic war: the Battle of Cannae (216 BC) and the Battle of Zama (202 BC).

Download Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates [v1.0.4]:

Trainer for Total War: Rome II Hannibal at the Gates [v1.0.4]

Function list:
- F1 Player Invisible
- F2 Current Amount
- F3 Add Agility
- F4 No Stun
- F5 Reset Fuel
- F6 Unlimited Money/Items
- F7 Change Salvage
- F8 Change Herbs
- F9 Win Challenge
- F10 Change Material
- F11 Instant Bullet Reload
- F12 Mana Regen

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:29-03-2023, 13:36
Downloads:Downloaded 9340 times
Verified: users rating (4.89 stars)

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