
» » Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally: Trainer +12 [v1.2]

Dakar 2: The World\s Ultimate Rally: Trainer +12 [v1.2]

If you came to this page, you are most likely looking for working cheats for Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally. Cheats will allow you to get cheating opportunities in the game, which will make your gameplay much easier.

Game description:
There are few games that can claim to have a world map to chart your in-game progress, but in Dakar 2 that's the reality. You take part in the most gruelling race our planet has to offer. You race through the more civilised parts of France, Spain and Morocco before attempting to defeat your numerous vehicular opponents, all the while battling with dramatic weather conditions. Your GPS will guide you through the wilderness and, you never know, your co-driver may come in handy too although that's only an option on four wheels (Dakar 2 lets you navigate the tough desert environment via motorbike, truck or car). Incidentally, however you choose to travel, damage will dent both your vehicle and your chances of victory. Dakar 2 also gives you the option of dropping into the workshop to tinker with your mechanised beast, if customisation is your thing. * Official licensed vehicles to pilot * 12 tracks on offer * Campaign, Arcade, Time Trial and Quick race modes available

Download Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally: Trainer +12 [v1.2]:

Dakar 2: The Worlds Ultimate Rally: Trainer +12 [v1.2]

Function list:
- F1 Edit: Max Special Attack Meter
- F2 Unlimited Fire Turret Weapon in Ground Vehicles
- F3 Infinite Fuel
- F4 Tiredness
- F5 Unlock Royal Arts
- F6 Change Wishes
- F7 Infinite Durability
- F8 Political Power Points
- F9 Easy Craft / Upgrade
- F10 Focused Aim
- F11 Easy Craft and Develop
- F12 Reset Body Needs

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:13-03-2023, 01:40
Downloads:Downloaded 9430 times
Verified: users rating (4.88 stars)

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