
» » Trainer for The Lost Vikings [v1.0.9]

Trainer for The Lost Vikings [v1.0.9]

On this page you can download the trainer for The Lost Vikings. Cheats will allow you to get cheating opportunities in the game, which will make your gameplay much easier. Cheats are currently available from FLiNG .

Game description:
The three Vikings: Erik the Swift, Baleog the Fierce, and Olaf the Stout decided to go hunting. The expedition would probably have been a complete success if not for a certain accident. The evil ruler of the planet Crouton, one Tomator, decided to kidnap the heroes and put them in his museum of curiosities. As we can easily guess, it is the player who will take part in an adventure full of dangers, in which the main task will be to defeat the oversized monster and return home. The game was developed by a group, with somewhat mysterious name Silicon & Synapse. Probably many of us will be surprised to know that these are the same people who, as Blizzard Entertainment, later became extremely successful in the field of computer entertainment. The Lost Vikings is an arcade game with a strongly accented adventure theme. In order to complete each of the 36 stages prepared by the devs, it is necessary to reach the exit with all heroes, which of course will not be as easy as it might seem at first. The Vikings have unique abilities and not every way to the desired freedom will be available to them. Eric can jump and break the wall with his head, the Baleog is a typical warrior he can use a bow and defeat enemies with his sword, while Olaf, whose main weapon is a shield, will block the enemy's attacks with it. The key to success is an effective combination of Viking skills and clever use of items scattered around the stages. Summing up, The Lost Vikings is a difficult and demanding game. Initial stages serve only to familiarize us with the skills of the Vikings, then we are thrown into the deep end, where it is necessary to make use of these experiences successfully. A large number of enemies, cleverly buried objects and intricate stage design do not make the task easier. The game is designed for lovers of platformers, but rather those who are not bothered by significant intellectual effort.

Download The Lost Vikings trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for The Lost Vikings [v1.0.9]:

Trainer for The Lost Vikings [v1.0.9]

Function list:
• F1 Add Credits
• F2 Armor Class
• F3 Add Intel
• F4 Set Silver Points
• F5 Bowling Ability Points
• F6 Unlimited Cards
• F7 Set Max Staff
• F8 Set Resistance
• F9 Super Movement Range
• F10 Unlimited Skill Tree Job Points
• F11 Set Day
• F12 Edit Faith
• NUM 1 All Level
• NUM 2 Edit: Food (value 1-8)
• NUM 3 Unlimited Ship Combat Crew

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:3-08-2022, 08:31
Downloads:Downloaded 8109 times
Verified: users rating (4.50 stars)
Contributer:Red Hot

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