
» » Distorted: Trainer +13 [v1.1]

Distorted: Trainer +13 [v1.1]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Distorted. Cheats will allow you to get cheating opportunities in the game, which will make your gameplay much easier. Cheats are currently available from dR.oLLe .

Game description:
Distorted is an independent, dark point and click adventure game, developed by Polish journalist Marcin M. Dres (author of Magritte) and his team of several people. Production was created with the use of Adventure Maker engine. The story depicted in Distorted begins with a powerful bump that shakes the city of Lower Silesia. An hour later, the mining site where the accident occurred is closed. The site is immediately populated by the army, betting on the whole area and making it impossible to leave the quarantine area and any communication, be it dolphonic or internet. The police time is also announced. At the same time, powerful weather anomalies occur above the main shaft, and a series of strange accidents occur in the city. Although the atmosphere in Distorted is built primarily through intelligent storyline management, the creators were tempted to prepare detailed and largely interactive locations. The game also includes animations revitalizing the used photos, molecular effects, 360 degree panoramas and film interludes with live actors. The story contained in Distorted was inspired by the events of 7 September 2009, which took place in the Rudna Mines. On that day a mysterious accident took place, connected with the so-called ejection of rocks and gases. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

Download Distorted trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Distorted: Trainer +13 [v1.1]:

Distorted: Trainer +13 [v1.1]

Function list:
• F1 Free Crafting
• F2 Unlimited Upgrade Points
• F3 Freeze AI Racers
• F4 Edit: Quality
• F5 XP Fielding
• F6 Change EYN
• F7 Mega Soul Skill Points
• F8 Change Starting Budget
• F9 MET
• F10 Set Indirect Death Count
• F11 Reset Wet
• F12 Set Kills
• NUM 1 Add WIS

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:24-08-2022, 06:51
Downloads:Downloaded 9976 times
Verified: users rating (4.70 stars)

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