
» » Duelyst: Trainer +8 [v1.8]

Duelyst: Trainer +8 [v1.8]

On this page you can download the trainer for Duelyst. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others. This trainer from dR.oLLe will work in later versions.

Game description:
Duelyst for PC, AND and etc. is a multiplayer-oriented turn-based battle strategy game. It's free-to-play, containing a system of microtransactions. It was developed by Counterplay Games, led by an experienced developer Keith Lee, previously the main programmer of Resistance: Fall of Man and three installments in the Ratchet & Clank series. Above all, he is the main producer of Diablo III. Story The story is set in an independent fantasy world which does not resemble Tolkien's Middle-earth in any way. Instead, the game world is influenced by various settings including mythologies and different concepts of a creator. As a result, the players receive a stylistically original game world. Duelyst for PC, AND and etc. tells a story of a large conflict between five powerful countries. The game focuses mainly on the battles between players, thus the game does not feature an extensive storyline or a story campaign as such. Nonetheless, the rich history of the fictitious world is depicted through location descriptions, biographies of characters and old legends they reminisce. Gameplay The gameplay in Duelyst for PC, AND and etc. consists of turn-based battles during which, the player controls a small squad fighting the enemy on the battlefields covered with a square grid. The player recruits their group members from among 300 characters having their own unique skills. Additionally, the gameplay is diversified with an extensive system of spells, and unique magical artifacts. Special emphasis was put on the tactical aspects of the game subsequent victories require the player to position their squad members appropriately, predict enemy moves and put the warriors' skills to the best possible use. Despite that, the gameplay is relatively fast-paced the game is designed in such a way that an average battle lasts from five to ten minutes. Technical aspects Duelyst for PC, AND and etc. has nice and colorful retro-styled visuals. Relatively simple, colorful locations have been inhabited by pixelized character models with modern visual effects and fluent animations.

Download Duelyst trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Duelyst: Trainer +8 [v1.8]:

Duelyst: Trainer +8 [v1.8]

Function list:
• F1 Edit: Loot Tokens
• F2 Time of Day
• F3 Edit: Tink's Hijinx Outcome
• F4 Unlimited Resonance Burst
• F5 Can Buy / Give 1000K Resource
• F6 +127 Editor
• F7 Maximum Backpack Size
• F8 Temporarily Unlock All Characters

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:3-08-2022, 16:01
Downloads:Downloaded 8984 times
Verified: users rating (4.79 stars)

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