
» » Trainer for Riding Stables 3D [v1.0.9]

Trainer for Riding Stables 3D [v1.0.9]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Riding Stables 3D. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others. Trainers available from .

Game description:
Riding Stables 3D is a breeding game available as part of the network distribution, which allows you to create and take care of your own mount, as well as take on the role of a young horseman making her career. In addition to the traditional module, in which players can take care of the selected horse without time limits and no additional requirements, the creators have also prepared a simple history mode. In it, the console owners play the role of a talented horseman, who ends up on the farm of the famous Erika to learn how to care for the animals. Successful in subsequent mini-games and taking care of horses, players gain a chance to get their own steed and start in numerous tournaments. Along the way, they also have a chance to meet numerous characters with whom they can enter into various relationships. Like many other similar virtual animal care simulators, Riding Stables 3D has a powerful editor where every console owner can create their dream mount. There are twenty-five different races to choose from, which differ in appearance and characteristics. The creators have prepared a number of mini-games, which make the fun more attractive. In some of them players have the opportunity to saddle their pet and compete on the obstacle course with him. The action is then presented from the rider's eyes. In the vast majority of tasks, the reflexes and accuracy of the player are checked, who must mark the appropriate fields or make the right moves on the touch screen of the console. Riding Stables 3D uses StreetPass option and allows breeders to put their horses up for competition. Victories in such duels provide additional items to play with. 3DS owners can also "revitalize" their mount with augmented reality cards. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

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Trainer for Riding Stables 3D [v1.0.9]:

Trainer for Riding Stables 3D [v1.0.9]

Function list:
• F1 Talent Points
• F2 Pause Aging
• F3 Easy Soup Available
• F4 Potential
• F5 Yrd Multiplier
• F6 Infinite Turrets Health
• F7 Edit: Treasury
• F8 Set Relationship Value
• F9 Toggle Built-In Debug Mode

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:19-02-2021, 21:50
Downloads:Downloaded 8753 times
Verified: users rating (4.41 stars)

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